Physique Restoration offers a Non-Invasive Revitalizing Face Lift for men and women.

When it comes to our skin, time is not our friend. Every area of the face is subjected to specific changes due to the amount of active facial muscles that help us create expressions on a daily basis. While we’re busy making faces and living our adult lives, wrinkles and fine lines find their way into our skin.
At first, these lines are small, and we still look young, but as we reach our 30’s they become permanent landmarks in our face. Skin revitalization treatments with our UltraSlim® Non-invasive Revitalizing Face Lift can make all the difference in the way your skin bounces back from the weight of these folds. If you’re experiencing the usual markings of severe lines around the nose and mouth, as well as smoker’s lines and Marionette lines, then our UltraSlim® Non-invasive Revitalizing Face Lift will help you.
UltraSlim® Non-invasive Revitalizing Face Lift offers our clients a state-of-the-art wellness treatment to correct these skin concerns as they appear for long lasting and completely natural modifications. Our UltraSlim® Non-invasive Revitalizing Face Lift does not require any creams, lotions, potions, or poisonous injectables. This cutting-edge treatment uses the power of photonic energy (light), to achieve exceptional results. You will love your new, younger, more vibrant skin and face.
Restore radiant, younger looking skin, and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

*Results Above Are From One Treatment
This is the exact process your body would go through had it followed 2 weeks of diet and heavy exercise or equivalent to 40 hours on a stationary bike. With UltraSlim, it's done in one 32-minute session!
Reaching Your Goals
Every body is unique. We will work with you to create an individual care plan to determine the number of sessions needed to help you achieve your goals. Physique Restoration assures you, with confidence, that all clients are treated based on their desired outcome. We want to understand your vision for your body. Collectively, Physique Restoration desires to improve the mental health and self-esteem of everyone who walks through our doors. Contact us today and let’s get started!