Physique Restoration offers UltraSlim® Breast Reduction to women seeking a pain free, non-invasive, affordable alternative to reduction mammaplasty.
Ideal Breast Size
Genetics play the biggest role in determining the size and shape of your breasts. Other factors include weight, exercise, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Fat plays a big part in cup size. For some people, their cup size is a little – or a lot – too robust. Your breasts are partly composed of fatty tissue, so any increase or decrease in body weight could also affect breast size. Having more fat in your body could make for larger breasts, while less fat can mean smaller breasts. A large chest can cause chronic upper back, shoulder, and neck pain. Physique Restoration provides a non-invasive breast reduction treatment which makes it possible for women to non-surgically reduce their cup size.

UltraSlim is an ideal option to reduce your breasts by a cup size or more.
Treatments are in 8-minute increments and results are immediate. UltraSlim’s warm LED gives the
added benefit of stimulating collagen and elastin growth, providing a lifting effect as the breasts are
reduced. FDA cleared; this device is safer than any other patented photobiomodulation technology. This
is an ideal way to achieve the results you want without a time-consuming surgery and painful recovery.
Every Inch Counts
UltraSlim is a patented fat removal procedure that uses a specially developed red-light therapy, called PBM, or photobiomodulation, to remove unwanted fat from targeted areas. This is a unique light energy that passes through your skin to the adipose tissue (body tissue containing stored fat, which is found all over the body.) It can be found under the skin, (subcutaneous fat), packed around internal organs, (visceral fat) between muscles, within the bone marrow, and in breast tissue. As the light painlessly passes through the skin layer into the fat layer, the light causes cells to create a port in their membrane, allowing fatty acids and triglycerides to escape. The released fat cell contents are then excreted by the lymphatic system and processed by the liver as part of the body’s natural detoxification. The pore in the cell will close within 48 to 72 hours. During that time the liberated contents will be expelled into your stool until the pores close.

*Results Above Are From One Treatment
This is the exact process your body would go through had it followed 2 weeks of diet and heavy exercise or equivalent to 40 hours on a stationary bike. With UltraSlim, it's done in one 32-minute session!
Reaching Your Goals
Every body is unique. We will work with you to create an individual care plan to determine the number of sessions needed to help you achieve your goals. Physique Restoration assures you, with confidence, that all clients are treated based on their desired outcome. We want to understand your vision for your body. Collectively, Physique Restoration desires to improve the mental health and self-esteem of everyone who walks through our doors. Contact us today and let’s get started!